Tuesday 13 January 2009

Technology Surpassing my Knowledge?

I was up early this morning, not through choice, but forced to roll out of bed at 05:30 in order to get a lift to work from my girlfriend who was going in early...I don't drive you see, so I am at the mercy of my girlfriend getting me part of the way to work so I can continue on the train...This means if she has to get up at silly o'clock in the morning, so do I! It can be terribly annoying but, such is life...

I usually head straight for work and take a small blanket in my bag, curl up on the hard carpet tiles and try and catch up on my interrupted sleep - but it's like sleeping on a plane, you never really have a comfortable slumber, you just kind of lie there with your eyes closed and try and convince yourself that you're sleeping.

This particular day though, I decided that I would take my laptop into work with me and play a couple of hours of Football Manager 2009 - the new computer game I got for Christmas. I got to work, set up my laptop and clicked the game icon...nothing...

The game is associated with an application called 'Steam' which is kind of a games network programme from which you can have running updates and download other games from. The issue was that because I was not connected to the Internet in work (I don't know the network key) it wouldn't connect to steam and was therefore stopping me from launching the game. This annoyed me tremendously...it was early in the morning, I was tired and frustrated and wanted a couple of hours of football management to relax me. But nooooo, apparently even though this game is completely designed to be played offline - you need to be connected online in order to launch it. It annoyed me more that no matter what I attempted to do, I couldn't solve the problem. I feel that I am quite knowledgeable when it comes to the Internet and technology, but this little application had beaten me and there was no way to run my game...

What kind of stupid programme stops you from playing an offline game if you have no Internet connection? This Steam programme is annoying at the best of times, taking up all my computer power for no particular reason, but it seems that I cannot run my game without it! stuff like that really bugs me and the lack of sleep did not help one bit! I ended up going down to the local coffee house and just writing a bit of a play instead, but that wasn't very productive because I was angry and tired.

I hate getting beaten by technology, but well done Steam, you got me this time! lets see how well you fare against a baseball bat!

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